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Oxyamp media


Video Marketing Service

Transform your brand's message into captivating video content that engages audiences and drives conversions with our expert storytelling and strategic distribution

Video marketing doesn't have to be difficult. We're here to help.

Unsure how to capture your audience?

Tailored Trendsetting: OxyAmp keeps your content cutting-edge, distinctive, and aligned with the latest video marketing trends.

Frustrated with cut-and-paste models?

Every business is different. That's why we conceptualize strategies tailor-made for your company and its specific and evolving needs.

Need to translate likes into leads?

Creating buzz is just the beginning. OxyAmp crafts viral content with a focus on conversion, turning viewers into customers and likes into valuable leads, growing your brand's reach and revenue.

What We Offer

Data-driven content strategies

Impactful video marketing

Multi-platform management

Our Packages

Choose from our affordable and customizable digital marketing packages.


  • Entry-level video marketing service
  • Content strategy for 1 social media platform
  • Video strategy consultation


  • Comprehensive video marketing package
  • Content and video strategy for 2 social media platforms
  • Custom video creation
  • Full content management and distribution
  • In-depth analytics and reporting


  • Full-service, bespoke video marketing solution
  • Multi-platform content and video strategy
  • Professional video production
  • Strategic content distribution and platform management
  • Advanced analytics with strategic insights and optimization

Grow your presence.

We'll help put your company on the digital map, through videos and social platforms.

Viral Cases

Xiaohongshu Campaign


With over 1.28 million reached and a surge of 1,000+ new followers, this campaign not only soared to the top 0.1% on Xiaohongshu but also set new benchmarks for engagement.

Follower Growth

300,000+ in 3 months

The ability to skyrocket visibility, amassing an impressive 300,000+ followers in just three months through targeted content and engaging community management.

Viral Production


Our content doesn't just go viral—it redefines virality with over 12 million views, our precise strategy and distribution, ensuring maximum watch time and engagement.

all rights reserved by OxyAmp Media @ 2024

Start making your mark in

the digital world.

Toronto, Canada

